Learn Hawaiian Slack Key On-Line
Now, learning how to play slack key in your home is more convenient than ever. I am now teaching beginning, intermediate and advanced slack key students on Skype and Facetime. Each lesson is thirty minutes and is payable through PayPal. A lesson costs $25.00 and is tailored specifically for the individual student.
Regardless of where you are in your development, in order to move forward in your slack key you need to have a thirst or desire for more knowledge. You should go beyond just being able to play all the right notes at the right time of either simple or complex repertoire – a monkey see monkey do performance – to being able to actually take ownership and make a personal statement through your performance.
My teaching philosophy has always been every student is different and each student will learn at his own pace. Beginning students take a little bit longer, because they have to establish a learning foundation from which they can build. Then, there are the intermediate and advanced players that are able to learn at a much faster pace than others are.
I have been lucky. Over the last forty years, I have taught many students Hawaiian music and how to play slack key guitar. For many of them I was their first music teacher and provided them with a foundation in Hawaiian music and a methodology to use. Nowadays, I am teaching students whose parents and grandparents I taught decades ago. I run into many former students who are now adults – I can remember some of their names but not all of them. What I find surprising is that most of my former students are still playing slack key when they have time and enjoy playing for their families and friends. For me that says a lot about the joy of playing at any age. And it is an additional reward that I have learned to appreciate.
Hawaiian Slack Key:
A Lifetime of Study
Volume 1 Methodology
by Peter Medeiros
This is the first in a series of textbooks on traditional Hawaiian slack key by Peter Medeiros. This long anticipated book is the culmination of a lifetime of study and analysis of Hawaiian slack key guitar by a traditional Hawaiian artist with formal training in western music.
The selection and large number of traditional Hawaiian slack key songs in accurate transcriptions are without precedent. These songs provide not only an opportunity for serious musical study, but also an opportunity to play and have fun with slack key as Hawaiians have been doing for nearly two hundred years.
Peter’s approach to teaching slack key follows the concepts of `Ike Hawai`i by cultivating, nurturing, practicing and perpetuating the art form in a Hawaiian way. As a resource on the art and a book on methodology, Peter's book unveils and teaches slack key in clear and concise language. All of the songs presented are in traditional Hawaiian slack key tunings passed down to Peter by his father, Albert P. Medeiros, Sr., Peter Moon, Sr., Gabby Pahinui and Sonny Chillingworth.
Please click on the table of contents link for more information on the content of the book.
Copyright 2009 by Peter J.K. Medeiros. Published by Kapahua LLC, Kaneohe, Hawaii. Eleven chapters with bibliography and index; illustrated; length 306 pages; dimensions 8.5" x 11" x .75"; weight 2.6 Lbs.
Cost $39.00

Textbook and guide to slack key
Learn slack key online using Skype and FaceTime
A Comprehensive Text and Guide
to Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar